Data protection compliance and loyalty schemes in Israel

We are honored and delighted to be among the authors of the Data Protection Leader in the March 2020 issue. 

We discuss the privacy compliance status in Israel, in light of the recent Protection of Privacy Authority reports.

OneTrust DataGuidance is the world’s most in-depth and up-to-date privacy and security regulatory research platform.

 Hundreds of global privacy laws and over ten thousand additional resources  are mapped into  DataGuidance to give customers thorough research, information, insight, and perspectives on the world’s evolving list of global privacy  regulations.

Expert insight is needed to understand and learn the worldwide developments of the privacy and security regulation, especially when they are only available in local languages (such as Hebrew). This clarification is highly sought after by worldwide privacy leaders.

Please read more.

Israel: Data protection compliance and loyalty schemes: Part 1

Data Protection Leader