The Future Of Privacy Compliance Is In Automation

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming meet-up IDPF event, focused on the future of data protection compliance. As companies continue to grow, databases are getting larger, and they are using more vendors and service providers, facing more complex information systems and data flows. Alongside regulation is becoming tougher and more demanding. Companies face rapid changes in laws and regulations, and often need to attend to the laws of several jurisdictions.

Automation of privacy compliance is a fairly novel concept. These tools are used to: 1. Optimize complex processes 2. To facilitate the work of privacy protection officers within organizations 3. To produce more accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date work, which will enable the management of information protection risks in the organization better.

Our guest speakers will share insights, solutions and best practices that you should consider in this ever-evolving landscape. They will also discuss the challenges that companies are facing today in terms of compliance, and how automation can help mitigate the risks.

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